Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Futbol, Football, Soccer?

Thoughts on the World Cup: So far it's been quite fascinating! I must admit, I've never really been much of a soccer fan, but I've been trying to open up my sports mind. I've totally been one of those Americans who has never been able to appreciate the sport- how can a scoreless game be exciting? That just sounds like TERRIBLE playing, right? But after reading some articles on it, I feel like I've been able to see the art of it. How every kick can leave you on the edge of your seat, because it could be the difference between a win, loss, or draw. Maybe the Europeans have been on to something this entire time?

I also think it's kinda sad how USA is the kid that all the other kids pick on. Even though we may be bigger than some of the other ones, we're not as popular as they are, so we're still the one being ganged up on. I guess I never realized how much US Soccer (excuse me, football) is a joke to other countries. I mean, we're coming in here pretty well ranked. Within the top 15 of 32 teams- if I can do math, that is the top 50%. While we may not have as much of a focus on it within the US, with American football easily being the most appreciated sport, we're still not terrible. How big are we? What's our population? Certainly we can put together a decent team out of all those millions of citizens. I really enjoyed watching the much anticipated US/England match. Say whatever you want, I feel like the US definitely held their own against England. No one can deny that the game came down to the keepers, and I can definitely understand why England was upset over the US goal, BUT every member of a team comes together to make a whole (unless we're talking about former Dallas Cowboys from stupid Ohio State). And at that moment the team failed and the US succeeded. Enough said. And really, are y'all seriously so upset that ya have to make low headlines like "Green's Goal: One Mistake the Yanks Won't be Complaining About". YOU'RE COMPANY BRITISH PETROLEUM IS RUINING OUR GULF. How can we NOT be upset over that? One little soccer game? Not as big a deal, thank you very much.

But maybe that's because the draw was the equivalent to a win for the US and a loss for England. Suck it up; we're here to play- and we're here to stay! Although I must admit I think my favorite moment was before the game. When the US national anthem was played before both teams and countries. Seriously, our national anthem is basically another whole other screw you to England! Seriously. It is. Wonder how many of their people actually know that or think about it. I mean, I don't really think of other countries' anthems, but of course, none of them are about us! At least as far as I know?

Ok- on another sports note. I get to meet DeMarcus Ware tomorrow! I can not even explain how freaking excited I am for this! It's all part of my internship, which I think is awesome! I don't even think I can explain on here how much of a Dallas Cowboys fan I am. I used to have an Emmitt Smith poster on my wall, I chose to do a presentation on any celebrity over him, and will always remember the exact moment I was when he broke the all-time rushing yards. I still to this day go out of my way to watch their game every Sunday and get super depressed when I can't. I'm a huge fan. Just take my word on it.

So apparently quite a few NFL players came together to make a book for a good cause. It's called NFL Dads Dedicated to Daughters. It's personal stories from players on the relationship with their daughters to help bring an end and awareness to Domestic Abuse. Well, Ware is doing a signing in the DFW area (actually like 10 mins away from my house), and I was asked to go to get some books signed that we can use in the future for auctions and raffles to raise money. Although I only need to get 4, I'm going to get another one on the side for my own personal collection. Also, cameras are going to be a must. I reaaaaaaaally hope I'll be able to take a photo with him!

Anyways, hitting up the ATX this weekend! Definitely can't wait! Shall be fun!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hi there guys!

So I got a lot of sleep last night! Which isn't exactly the best thing? My alarm didn't go off! I've been having a lot of problems with my phone lately for a couple of months now. It doesn't ring every time I get a text message or call, and since this is the second time already my alarm hasn't gone off, I'm starting to wonder if it's affecting it now. The last time it happened I slept in ten minutes. Today it was a whole hour. Thank goodness I woke up when I did! I didn't get any chance to check my emails or de-stress before work, but I did show up ONLY about 5 minutes late thanks to the grace of Jelly Beans! Don't ask me where that came from? I have no idea?

Today we had an interesting group of volunteers come in. My cashier from Central Market this past weekend (who I did tell him I'd be seeing there, and he ignored ME when I said hi! Maybe he forgot), and a group of probational Juveniles! I didn't know for awhile, and didn't even think anything was up when their group leader said they must go back to work as a group and wait for the others to come back from the bathroom; they were obviously minors so I just thought he wanted to be responsible. It wasn't until he said he had to go in there after about 2 minutes that I got a little confused. He then quickly explained their situation, which then made sense. I talked to a few of them during that short time. One had a nasty looking black eye who just couldn't understand how I could work an 8-5. "My 8-1 is hard enough for me!" They also expressed over and over again how much they wanted to be home instead of there. But, they had a great repertoire with their two leaders, which was quite refreshing to see. We have people come in from prison with a Second Chance program to help, which is always heart-warming. So, I hope this act of volunteerism really struck a cord with these kids. They truly all did seem to be quite sweet.

My Marketing Plan is almost complete! Right now it's at almost 4 full pages, but that last page is really only an explanation for new things mentioned in the Marketing Plan which have not been in place before. So, I'm not really quite sure if that counts or not. But, it's only a rough draft of one, and I'll get some feedback from it on Thursday, so hopefully it'll only get stronger! I have a lot of changes proposed, which sounds like they wanted. It's not like they wanted me to create a plan for a program which already existed just so I can have the experience of making a plan. That's just dumb. I'm sad I won't actually be here to watch how it'll all play out. I also have to constantly remind myself that this one program is not the entire focus of the operation, which is difficult. I kind of want it to be the main focus of all the different areas. That'll definitely be hard when talking to PR, I'm going to be asking a lot from them! But, since it's all about how to better market it, PR would definitely have to have a big role in it! It makes sense? At least to me. But, I'd rather bring too many big ideas to the table than not enough, I just hope I won't take it harshly if they don't take on everything. I know it's a lot to ask, but I think it'll definitely work! This thing is already feeling like my baby...

So, don't judge, but last night was real emotional for me. It was the Glee finale! I am a hardcore Gleek. No lie. If you're a fan of the show, then you know what I'm talking about! I didn't cry. I only shed two tears. But, after talking to friends, I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one. When the students all sat down and said how Glee club had changed them, I just couldn't handle it. I think it all happened when it was Finn's turn talking about how before Glee club he never had a father. GAH! How are you NOT suppose to cry?? Le sigh. I'm going to miss it during it's off season. What a twist of an ending though! I loved it!

Whoops. Church just came in. Saw somebody wearing a shirt of a local highschool I know. Asked him if he goes there. He was one of the leaders. Ouch. In my defense- he looked super young! How was I suppose to know?

Oh well, what the hell. Sorry for the language. Just started re-reading Catch-22 again. Had to do it.

Hope y'all have a great week/end!


Monday, June 7, 2010


So things have picked up a bit around here... Now lets begin!

Friday night I helped with an art gallery opening! It was hosted by my internship, and therefore, I got to do some stuff leading up to the event, such as making 100 goodie bags (which was actually kinda tiring) and creating signs. The actual event was pretty cool, but also kinda boring at the same time. I stood for nearly 2 hours up at the front with the sign telling everybody to "go back past the double doors and to the left." Let me just say this. Walking around in high heels actually isn't that bad, it's not! But- standing in high heels it is. The pressure is just focused in one area. Anyways, it was fascinating to get a chance to listen to the artist speak. He's done multiple types of these collections focusing on various issues, so his passion really is to bring art and humanitarianism together. Surprisingly enough one of the warehouse employees was actually featured in it. It came to a surprise to almost everybody there, and it was much different to go through it actually knowing one of the people featured.

It's nice to see some of my projects finally starting to tie-up a bit. We're about to make a lot of purchases of items which I've collected bids for! Caps and tablecloths/runners tomorrow. Soon we'll be ordering pencils, shirts, totes, and mugs! I've also been given a HUGE project today which will be my legacy post-internship. I got kinda overwhelmed at first listening to everything I was suppose to do, but I'm really starting to get excited now! I'm even almost done with the rough draft of my marketing plan! I like the creativity in it. The fact that it's not so monotonous and, like I said, it'll be something implemented into the business which will continue to go on without me. So the pressure is on!

Today I participated in my first all staff meeting. Woot. I ended up sitting with the other intern and la hermana. Apparently every month they start off with a welcoming of new faces, including us interns (and new babies!). Probably didn't help me and Joc's cause when I included in my introduction "I'm her little sister" and theeeeeeeeen... "and we're not twins!" Except this time I was joined in by Joc... Doing the exact hand movement as each other. I know after 20 (almost 21) years it's expected we would have the same mannerisms, but really? It's never going to end.

Whelp. There's at least a little update. US versus England on Saturday! Sleeping Beauty ballet on Sunday! I already can't wait for next weekend...