Monday, July 6, 2009

Je'Adore Paris!

So I'm in Paris now!!!

We got in yesterday, and it was pretty tiring. I was unable to get ANY sleep on the plane, because of my turbulence fear and the lady sitting in front of me was really fidgity. At least I was able to watch the Zac Efron movie 17 again.  There was a very nice old man who was at the Air Port who helped us find which trains to take to the hostel. I'm really glad that I grabbed my map of Paris in the morning, since we didn't have one and it has been found to be quite useful!

It was a work to get to the hotel, mostly because I had 2 suitcases (hey, being in Europe in 6 weeks requires a lot of clothes!) and the metro was very crowded. As soon as we got to the hostel we went out and visited the Catacombes. It was pretty morbid, but kinda fun! I was so tired that we then went ahead and passed out. I went to sleep at 6 and then we all woke up for the day at 8 in the morning.

Today has been pretty busy so far. We went to the Louvre and spent a couple of hours there. We saw the Mona Lisa and, the statue of Venus, all the other fancy artwork. I absolutely LOVED the Egyptian stuff that they had. We then walked down and did a short tour of Notre Dame. Mass was in session in both French and Latin. After that we went ahead and took the metro down to see the sewer system of Paris. Not exactly what we were expecting, and very smelly, but it was still an experience! That was right next to the Eiffel Tower so we sat and looked at it for awhile, and were going to go up for a bit, but then it started raining so that's why we came back. After dinner I think we're going to go up to the Arc De Triumphe and something else, I can't exactly remember.

I would also like to mention that between the Catacombs, the Sewers, and the metro- we've spent a LOT of our time here underground!

Tomorrow is Versailles day! I really can not wait for that! Especially the Hall of Mirrors. We decided to go ahead and to the Eiffel Tower tomorrow afternoon also, and hopefully see the light show in the evening.

If I had more time online I would write more, but I hope this does for now.

Kisses for the family! Including Hunter. Wish y'all were here!

1 comment:

lancaster.sarah56 said...

Yay! So good to hear from you, and I'm happy to know you are doing so much. Enjoy!

Love, Mom