The internet was out at our hostel, so lucky you! You're gonna get 2 posts soon! This one was written on my way up to Oxford on the train, and so it's a cut and paste post. Once I actually get around Oxford I'll blog about that tonight!
So yesterday was my last day in London, although I'm sure to spend some more time there within the next 5 weeks, and we made the best of it!
We first began by waking up and heading out to Windsor. It was about an hour train ride outside of town, so it was a way away. It was a lot of fun to go to, I just love the architecture of castles. Windsor Castle just so happens to still be a functioning castle, which is super cool, but also means that it wasn't completely open. My favorite part of the castle was what they had done to the moat. Obviously they don't need it for protection anymore, so they turned it in to a nice little garden area.
There were a lot of artifacts there including old original paintings (including the famous young portrait of a young Elizabeth), a sketch done of Anne Boleyn while she was alive, the handwriting of Elizabeth, and even the resting place of King Henry VIII. I was curious to whom he would be buried aside- Jane Seymore who died while married to him, or Catherine Parr whom was his wife when he died, who consequently married again. Well it turns out he is buried with Jane Seymore and also the infant child of Anne.
On our way out of Windsor, Kelley saw a restaurant which had a special on Indian food, specifically curry. Kelley decided she was not leaving London until she had had some Indian food, so we stopped in and she got some. Paige and I joined her, and I got a 'lemonade' which was a bit like a carbonated lemon water, but still pretty refreshing! On our way back I stopped and got a Happy Kids Meal, which was only 2.15, and even got to keep the oldschool box! I ended up giving Kelley the toy though...
We also stopped by a couple of little gift shops on our way out. At the first place I bought a pack of playing cards for a pound, for all of the long train rides I'll be taking this summer, but that was definitely not the best purchase! At the next stop we saw some soccer jerseys for sale for 10 pounds, not a bad price for a cheap knock off jersey! I went ahead and bought a kids Manchester United jersey, although I almost bought the Chelsea one until I saw they didn't have my size. The name on the back of my jersey is Ronaldo, who I think is known as being kind of a hunky modelesque soccer player/celebrity. But I'm not positive if that's him... But no matter who it is, I should probably start learning a little bit about my new team!
Once we got back to our Train Station, we went to Kings Cross Station. In case you can't remember why that name might sound familiar, it's the station that Harry Potter takes Platform 9 3/4 to get to Hogwarts. We took photos next to the cart going inside of the train, oh so touristy! I forgot how the bathrooms in some of the public areas of London have a fee attached. Kelley and I got lucky though, the meter was broken and was currently being worked on, so we got in for free while it was being worked on.
From Kings Cross we went ahead and took the Tube to Green Park. We had to do a little bit of changes in our routing, since the rail we had been planning on using had 'major delays.' Once we got to the park we went and visited Buckingham Palace. Sadly none of the guards had the big furry hats on, I think it's because it's summer now, but I'm not positive. We took some nice photos though of the Palace, the Victoria Statue, and Green Park.
On my map which I brought of London I noticed there was 'Lancaster House' was nearby, so it wasn't hard convincing Kelley and Paige to go with me to it. There was no sign distinguishing any specific house, so I asked the bobbie at the front of one building which was marked with 'No Pedestrians' if it was the Lancaster House, and he answered yes. I then asked if it was alright if I could take photos of it, since to me it was more than some building, with my last name being Lancaster and all. He said yes and went back to his station where he changed spots with another bobbie who he told my last name to. This bobbie obviously also found it amusing since he came up to talk for a little bit about why I'm in England and such, a little about the city Lancaster and such, and was overall really nice! He was quite impressed that we could trace back 21 generations to Lancaster, England, and even told another car full of bobbies about my last name! I'm super happy we stopped by!
After then we just went ahead and headed back to the hostel. We ordered some fries (we weren't too hungry) and Diet Cokes. Kelley and Paige decided to go ahead and do their first load of laundry here, and I stayed downstairs in the Pub watching Fish play in the Davis Cup, which was pretty exciting! It was pretty cute sitting there though, since right next to me was about 7 older British gentleman all there for a pint rehashing stories about London cabs and about different times they had drank just a taaaaaaad bit too much... It was so adorable!
It was a Friday night though, so we decided to locate to the basement to the designated 'chill room' where we watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" with a couple of older patrons of the hostel. We were really glad we didn't stay upstairs, since it sounded like it had basically turned in to a club. We could hear the loud music and heavy footsteps from the basement. And it seemed like there were a bunch of "Woooooo Girls" which showed up (for the reference please watch How I Met Your Mother). It was quite difficult, but we eventually were able to get some sleep.
All of my photos from Paris should be online, although the Versailles ones have yet to be uploaded. My London ones should come soon shortly afterwards. So if you want to see all of my photos instead of just the few I post on the blog, go to findingtrueroots.blogspot.com. If there happen to be any issues with the page, just contact me, and I'll see what I can do. Also, I believe anybody can leave comments, with or without an account, but if not, feel free to email me!
Now I'm off to explore Brasenose and Oxford a bit. Blog some more later!